Saturday, May 10, 2008

A Way To Earn From Your Web

Some Weeks ago Google introduced a new service called Ad Manager. It gives Web site publishers more control over their ad sales and ad serving. Google's target users are SMBs. It's yet another free service; there are no fees associated with Ad Manager. Google will, however, take a commission on revenue from ads it sells on your site.
Google Ad Manager is a hosted ad management offering that can help you sell, schedule, deliver, and measure all of your directly sold and network-based inventory. It combines your direct sale team's efforts with AdSense and ads placed from other ad networks and parses them through Ad Manager. Than it selects and places the ads with the highest CPMs --cost per thousand impressions -- into open inventory on your site.
Google has convinced a few companies to test it out. Sarah Romer, director of sales and marketing for, said, "Google Ad Manager has helped us in two major ways -- it saves us time, and saves us money. Google's easy-to-use system of creating orders, ad placements, and uploading creative has cut my average trafficking time per campaign in half."

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