Monday, May 12, 2008

Tips For Online Shopping Of PC

1. Spring for RAM.If you want a faster more flexible system you will need to have plenty of memory, especially when you run more than one task at a time (say, recording a TV show while watching a DVD). A minimum of 1GB is needed; upping the ante to 2GB will give you the oomph to run several programs at once without slowing your PC down.
2. Buy lots of storage.Hard drives are most needed and a lot of because whatever space you do have, you'll fill.
3. Go dual core.Though you may pay a bit more for a dual-core system (typically a premium of $20 to $50), dual-core CPUs like the Intel Core Duo and the AMD Athlon X2 are faster and more flexible than their single-core cousins.
4. Buy a big LCD.Some vendors bundle cheap PCs with a low-cost CRT monitor, but don't fall into that trap. An LCD monitor causes less eye strain, and takes up less space on your desk. If your system comes bundled with a baseline 15- or 17-inch LCD, try to upgrade to a larger screen. A typical 19-inch display costs $100 more than a 17-inch model.

And one last thing that you buy the PC online from any website like eBay. The best thing would be that you only buy from eBay because it gives the kind of PC that you like but in low cost.

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