Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Stumble Upon Or Digg. what is best?

About Digg:
Digg is a user driven social content website. Everything on Digg is user-submitted. After you submit content, other people read your submission and “Digg” what they like best. If your story receives enough Diggs, it’s promoted to the front page for other visitors to see.
Kevin Rose came up with the idea in 2004. Through eLance he found programmer Owen Byrne and paid him $10/hour to develop the idea. Rose paid $99 per month for hosting and $1,200 for the Digg.com domain. In December of 2004, Kevin launched his creation to the world through a post on his blog.
About Stumble upon:
eBay acquired stumble upon in May of 2007 for $75,000,000(75 million) US dollars,it was designed by Geoff Smith, it works on Firefox, seamonkey, internet explorer . Stumble upon allows its users to discover and rate web pages, photos, and videos. Users can rate, or choose not to rate, any web page with a thumbs up or thumbs down. stumble upon approximately has 2.1 million users and 4+ million sites are “stumbled” daily.

Stumble upon has the advantage of getting traffic many days and getting the site up to the first page.
Digg has the advantage of having “controlled” traffic. Anyone watching their posts as they’re submitted and rising on Digg can point if and approximately when their page will go popular

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