Saturday, May 3, 2008

Newtons Three laws Of Motion

speed, velocity, acceleration, time, distance, displacement, position are the basic principals on human body, artificial machineries, vehicles and our universe moves and work.
To explain the above phenomenon Newton presented his three laws of motion and change our understanding of the Universe .
His three laws states that:

1: "Evey body continues in the state of rest or of uniform motion
in a straight line unless it is compelled to change that state by
an external source impressed on it".
The first law of motion is also known as (law of inertia).

2:"When a force acts upon a body an acceleration is produced
in the direction of force and the magnitude of acceleration
is directly proportional to the and are inversely proportional
to the mass of the body".
In above equation "F" is the force "m" is the mass where as "a" is the acceleration.

3:"action and reaction are equal in magnitude but opposite in

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