Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Why To Differentiate SEM and SEO

It was sometime back that I wrote on Essentials of Higher Search Engine Ranking. It was just an overview, explaining how does each of the component work. Later I happened to read some blog posts and some forum posts on webmasters forums , that just made me perplexed in SEM and SEO. I was in fact stuck at SEM thing as a whole, but on exploring the SEO and SEM avenues I'd come up with a major difference in both and that's nothing but the area of influence.

For further clarification, let's say SEM is a major field having a list of other activities in it, and SEO is one of those activities. SEO is only Optimization of content for Search Engines, while SEM is a whole field covering all aspects of marketing that is or can be done via SEs.

And it's very important to know and the difference and to plan accordingly, as Internet Marketing or let's say any other marketing can't get maximum exposure untill it's planned well and on strategic grounds. Well, that's what I've come up with till right now, it's not something must to believe.

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